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Brexit – What does it mean for your business?


The UK’s vote to leave the European Union (EU) continues to be a hot topic both for politicians and businesses. There are still many uncertainties including when the UK will trigger Article 50 commencing the formal 2 year period to exit the EU, and terms on which it will leave. No Member State has ever left the EU and so the process of withdrawal is untested. Until the shape of UK’s exit has been determined, the direct legal implications for UK businesses will remain unclear.

We will be holding a Briefing Session for Members about the impact of the vote on Thursday 10 November 2016 from 10.00am-12.00pm at our office in Belfast.

This seminar is free to Members and will consider the possible implications of Brexit for business and in particular to Human Resources departments. The seminar will look at how best to equip your business for a post-Brexit era.

Anyone interested should contact John Gibson by email: or telephone: 02890 595053. Places are limited to 2 places per Member and will be allocated on a first-come basis.