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Removal of the ‘work from home where possible’ message in Northern Ireland


On 6 June 2022 the Northern Ireland Executive Office finally removed the ‘work from home where possible’ message. The ‘work from home where possible’ has been in place since the start of the pandemic and has persisted in Northern Ireland despite other jurisdictions having removed it earlier this year.

In the announcement the Executive Office stated that the guidance ‘work from home where possible’ position is not proportionate at this point. Instead the new message is “Employers and employees should discuss the balance of office and flexible/ hybrid working to put in place working arrangements that best meet organisational needs.”

The updated Guidance contains a reminder that working from home is a very effective way of reducing social contacts and breaking chains of transmission and employers may still wish to consider how remote or flexible working could be used effectively.

However, the Guidance also sets out what other steps that employers can do to help reduce the virus spreading. These include:

  • hygiene and sanitary measures, such as regular handwashing;
  • some form of social distancing, ideally of no less than one metre where practicable;
  • mechanical or natural ventilation;
  • use of physical barriers;
  • wearing face coverings in communal areas;
  • testing

The change is very welcome by businesses and will assist businesses who have found it difficult to get some workers back into the workplace. If you need any advice on this please contact the Legal Team.

The announcement can be accessed here: See the announcement here and the updated Guidance here